Weddings and Such

January 15, 2015

Hello everyone! Sorry for the month hiatus. Lydia and I were pretty busy with holidays and getting things ready for the wedding, then settling into newly married life. Now the new year has started, and we're getting back into a normal rhythm.

As I was reflecting on what to write this week, I had some thoughts about our wedding that I thought might be useful in sparking a discussion in your family groups. I hope you'll read the following and use it as an opportunity to talk about relationships and expectations for marriage someday.

The Big Surprise

I'm going to be honest and vulnerable with you for a moment. I hope it doesn't make you uncomfortable. As a guy, I have spent a large portion of my life thinking about what my wedding night would be like. You can insert any number of jokes or cliches here about how girls always fantasize about the wedding and guys about what happens after, but it was definitely the case for me. As a man attempting to wait and remain abstinent until marriage, your mind surely drifts from time to time. However, as I look back over the last few weeks the moments I am most fond of are all of the wedding day. This was a big surprise to me. Sex is a great thing - a wonderful gift from God - but I think we really miss the mark when we make it out to be the highest peak of our expressions of love and intimacy. The happiest, most intimate moment of my life with another person occurred when I was standing on a stage in front of God and a bunch of my friends and family making a promise to love and cherish my wife for the rest of our life together. I was expecting it to be a big moment, and yet I was blindsided by just how much it overwhelmed me. 

So for the young single folks out there I propose this question: How are you preparing yourself to share a life of covenant relationship with others? I ask this because that is the stuff of true intimacy and fulfillment. It's the goods, and you should be seeking it.

And for the parents out there raising their young single folks: How are you modeling love and intimacy in your life and marriage? Your kids will look for what they see in your marriage. What are they seeing?

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