Why I Believe Nate is Right for Park Street

June 24, 2015

We’ve had a lot of opportunity to get to know our pastoral candidate, Nate Bebout, in recent weeks through video introductions, his sermon, and multigenerational small group meetings. But as a representative for our youth, a member of the pastoral search committee, and a longtime friend of Nate’s, I’d like to offer some thoughts to you all. (Plus, I just haven’t written a blog post for a while, so I figured this was an appropriate topic!)

I am incredibly excited about the prospect of Nate Bebout becoming our new senior pastor, for many reasons which I’ll explain in a moment. However, first I think it important to explain what my reasons are NOT. I am not excited for him to become our next pastor simply because he is younger and will relate well to our youth and young adults. That may be true, but even if it were it would ring hollow. Speaking truthfully, many of our youth have indicated that they do not feel the choice of our next pastor affects them much at all. While I would disagree and insist that the future of our church and its leaders is of utmost importance for our youth, the point is well taken that the identity and age of our next leader matters little to them. Both our youth and young adults could care less about age and style. This generation desires authenticity and substance – qualities that I think we can all agree on.

That being said, I’ll tell you that Nate Bebout is one of the most authentic and Christ-centered leaders I have known. I walked with Nate when he took over leadership at the Well at Ashland University and spent the first semester inviting students into the “crucified life.” Rather than beginning his ministry there by trying to gain popularity or stability, he chose to invite students deeper into a way of life that dies to self for the glory of God. I have watched in respect as Nate fielded criticism from other ministries in town and yet refused to do anything but affirm them in Christ. When he could have reinforced walls, he instead extended grace and pursued unity. I worked with Nate identifying ways to move the Well community beyond a group of people who experience God in profound ways during their four years at Ashland into a community of student leaders who leave from Ashland with a mission to foster communities that experience God wherever they go.

Finally, over these last years I have appreciated Nate’s authentic love, concern and prayerful passion for our congregation, even as he was merely a friend down the street at the university. I am excited for Nate because he already has a love for our people rooted in his love for and obedience to Jesus. I hope you’ll join me in that excitement!

As you all talk around the dinner tables with your families, I hope you’ll continue to pray fervently for our congregation and for Nate as our pastoral candidate. God is up to great things in the life of our community and in the lives of the Bebout family. May the Holy Spirit guide us with wisdom and grace!

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Park Street Brethren Church
619 Park St, Ashland OH 44805
Phone: 419.289.0224

Sunday Worship 
9:00 am and 10:30 am
Children and adult classes both hours

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Monday - Thursday
    9 am to 3 pm

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