Give to Park Street
Honoring the Lord through giving
In the Old Testament, Scripture describes a 'tithe' to the church, which we understand today as 10% of our income. But Jesus came asking for everything that his disciples had. In Acts, believers sold everything they owned, sharing with one another, and as a result, no one in the church was in need.
No one has sold their home to give it all to Park Street. Yet, we do not fear asking our members and regular attendees to support Park Street financially.
Our ministry would not be possible without our collective commitment to giving regularly, faithfully, and generously.
We hope that as you learn to follow Jesus with everything, your giving to His church will likewise increase and expand. As you grow in excitement about the work that Jesus is doing at Park Street Brethren Church, prayerfully consider giving generously.
Start Giving to Park Street Brethren Church

Three Primary Ways to Give
In Worship Services
A tithes and offerings box is located in the back of our Sunday worship services and sometimes during special events. Individuals who prefer to bring cash or a personal check can place it in the offering box before, during, or after service as another form of worship, obedience, and trust.
*This option keeps 100% of your donation available to the local church.
Bill Pay/ACH
Many individuals use their bank to issue checks as a part of their giving practice. Bill Pay is a great way for you to manage your giving and is easy to arrange an automatic gift weekly or monthly. If you need assistance setting this up, contact our office.
Bill Pay can be sent to:
Park Street Brethren Church
619 Park Street Ashland, OH 44805
*This option keeps 100% of your donation available to the local church.
Online Giving
Need more ways to give?
Give online now, or set up a recurring gift! Click the button below to enter a secure portal to give one-time or recurring payments via your debit card, credit card, or bank account.
*You will not see a processing fee, but the church does pay a small fee for each transaction.
Debit cards have the smallest fee, while credit cards have a larger transaction cost to the church.
Additional Ways to Give
Appreciated Assets and QCD Donations
Park Street regularly receives gifts from retirement accounts and appreciated assets.
Not only are there often tax benefits to you as the donor through these contributions, but the donation is maximized for both the donor
and church.
Contact your tax professional to learn more, or contact Executive Pastor, Tony Van Duyne, to discuss this option further.
Park Street has established two endowments with the Ashland County Community Foundation (ACCF), to permanently have funds to expand our missions and preschool ministry.
Adding to these endowments can further expand the immediate impact we can have, but also insures there will be funds to support these important ministries.
Have another passion? We love hearing what Jesus has placed on your heart and would delight in dreaming with you the creation of a new endowment.
Legacy & Estate Planning
Ensuring a healthy and vibrant church exists beyond our lifetime is a natural desire to the faithful follower of Christ.
By including Park Street in your divestment years and Estate Plan, you are providing for the individuals currently at Par Street and ensuring your faith and values are passed along for generations who follow.